Sporting Events & Party Reflections: A Growing Portion of Our Business
The Kevin Harvick Foundation Pro-Am today officially kicks off the 75th Wyndham Championship at the Sedgefield Country Club in Greensboro, NC. The Wyndham Championship is a longstanding PGA Tour and North Carolina tradition dating back to the first tournament held at the Sedgefield Country Club in 1938. In 2010, Party Reflections became the official rental supplier for the Wyndham Championship providing all tenting, flooring, tables, chairs, linen, catering items and custom installations throughout the entire course and on the country club property. Our involvement with the tournament has grown significantly over the last couple of years, for which we are grateful.
Sponsors will need tents, concessions will need catering equipment, and hospitality suites will need specialty linen. The Wyndham Championship is just one of 5 PGA Tournaments that we provide an assortment of equipment to as a vendor. On an annual basis, we also provide rentals for NASCAR Races, USA Swimming Grand Prix meets, Professional Tennis Events and Regional Steeplechase Races up and down the East Coast.
You may know Party Reflections as your go to Rental Company for a wedding or corporate event needs. What you might not know is that as far back as 2003, we have been strategically growing our sporting event support capabilities. One way to approach specializing in rentals for professional sporting events is to understand that regardless of the sport, the same types of rentals will be needed onsite. This ability to bolster our inventory because of maximum utilization has been a key factor in our growing inventory.
The other distinguishing factor of our business is our dedicated approach to service. Case in point, our team has been onsite at Sedgefield Country Club since mid-July and will remain until the last tent is removed in late August. We have installed over 60,000 sqft of tenting for everything from concessions to Luxury Suites on the 18th Green. As a vacation destination company, Wyndham wanted to evoke a retreat by the shore for guests attending the tournament featuring live entertainment, concessions and many other vacation-themed activities. The Party Reflections team has been instrumental in creating those custom sponsorship areas such as the Margaritaville Pavilion and The Wyndham Beach.
If you head up to Greensboro this week for the Wyndham Championship you will see our inventory in action. We are a proud partner of the Wyndham Championship and thankful for the opportunity to grow this component of our business.